• (+91) 9840095297 / 9940676930


We have ozonation systems for large scale commercial laundry operations to suit specific customer requirements. Due to the energy efficiency of our units, along with the sanitizing power of cold water, electricity and hot water savings will be quickly realized with a CECON system

Ozone laundry/washing systems has several advantages over traditional laundry practices. Ozone washing increases textile life, reduces natural gas and energy costs, faster fill rates, shorter wash cycles and even shorter drying times. Whiter, softer, sanitized, fresh smelling and longer lasting linens and clothes results in huge savings!

Why CECON Ozonation System?

  • CECON Ozonation system can be easily integrated with the existing system
  • Compact, easy to install and maintain
  • Low operating cost

Benefits of using Ozone in Laundry