Ozone has been used for over a century to treat drinking water. Ozone was first used in water treatment in the late 1800s. Ozone is widely used for drinking water treatment worldwide because of its excellent disinfection and oxidation qualities
Ozonation offers a number of advantages over the traditional use of chlorine.CECON Ozonation system can be an excellent option if your drinking water system needs to disinfect, remove iron or manganese, or control taste and odor
Ozonation of Drinking water improves taste, odour and appearance
It has the ability to kill bacteria and inactive viruses more effectively than any chemical. It also reduces heavy metals found in drinking water, such as iron and manganese, to safer levels through oxidation
Since ozone reverts to oxygen after oxidation, it leaves no residue behind. No environmental or health-endangering by-products a due to a reduction of chemical usage
Ozone increases the shelf life of bottled water. Ozone is further used for the disinfection of the surface of the bottle and the sealed caps of the bottled water
No environmental or health-endangering by-products a due to a reduction of chemical usage. Since, Ozone is produced on-site using oxygen; it requires no storage of dangerous chemicals
Lower maintenance cost as compared to other methods since electricity is the only consumable
Contact us now to see how we can help!
Contact UsOzone has been used as a disinfectant in drinking water since 1893